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Metalocalypse of Skyfire
It will be blacker than the blackest black times infinity!
Guild XP:
10900 (7839 accounts)

We have a casual play style.

The inmates are running the asylum

We enjoy doing quests

We may use mature humor

We play at odd hours
We are seeking Fighters, Priests, Scouts, Mages, Crafters of any level.
We also offer training to new players.
Casual Fun fully loaded international lvl 350 guild. Regular influx of new and returning players. T2 Guild hall with every amenity available (bank/broker/crafting/transport/buffs) Facebook Group is
Cloak Game Link:
Rank Name Adventure (Level) Tradeskill (Level) Joined Status
Hellscreem Fury (95) Tailor (100) 2013-12-20 02:12:37 30,877
Helvitica Beastlord (27) Woodworker (36) 2020-03-22 18:13:33 149
Hemich Dirge (49) Woodworker (34) 2021-09-19 12:22:17 0
Henlee Channeler (32) Unskilled (1) 2016-09-27 07:51:47 402,254
Herekittykitty Warlock (100) Tailor (100) 2017-12-10 23:38:11 13,793
Hererzz Shadowknight (67) Armorer (45) 2011-06-18 15:02:32 44,612
Hergerr Shadowknight (97) Unskilled (1) 2017-07-16 14:18:51 22,565
Hesstia Defiler (125) Sage (20) 2013-11-23 20:07:30 461,892
Hexalobular Berserker (53) Weaponsmith (27) 2014-01-05 17:33:32 33,950
Heyitsmyalt Wizard (32) Tailor (27) 2014-12-21 18:58:08 2,166
Hiadia Mystic (71) Outfitter (10) 2020-12-07 11:56:05 0
Hibana Wizard (18) Scholar (10) 2020-09-27 10:47:52 0
Hicoo Shadowknight (100) Armorer (100) 2013-10-02 23:50:43 111,934
Hirsuto Assassin (100) Tailor (80) 2017-11-19 19:49:53 33,560
Hisster Berserker (91) Unskilled (1) 2019-01-15 19:45:38 0
Hocaabe Assassin (23) Jeweler (27) 2012-09-01 18:01:26 92
Hodul Shadowknight (36) Unskilled (1) 2016-05-14 18:26:14 0
Hoeleefoe Paladin (92) Carpenter (97) 2018-07-11 03:06:58 16,551
Hoker Swashbuckler (19) Outfitter (10) 2021-10-31 14:16:20 0
Holg Berserker (7) Artisan (3) 2021-05-18 12:38:56 0