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shining black scarab
What would be thought of one's tragedies if an insect were to present us his own?
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 450 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 50.

Aqua and Lavender Square Hooluk Pillow
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.

Bodyguard XII (Grandmaster)
0.5 seconds
0.5 seconds
0 seconds
60 seconds

  Reduces physical damage done to caster by 5%.
  Adds 2.5% to base avoidance.
  Caster will deflect 16.8% of incoming attacks.
  Increases Parry of caster by 95.0.
  Decreases Slashing, Piercing and Crushing of caster by 53.7.
  Increases Aggression of caster by 71.3.
  Increases Defense and Deflection of caster by 95.0.
  Increases Mitigation of caster vs noxious damage by 87,650.
  Increases the caster's effectiveness of worn armor vs physical damage by 30%.

Zimaran Grandmaster Recipes Volume I

All Crafters
Acid XIII (Grandmaster)
Aegolism XII (Grandmaster)
Aggressive Defense XII (Grandmaster)
Ancestral Mettle XI (Grandmaster)
Apply Poison VIII (Grandmaster)
Archer's Fury XI (Grandmaster)
Arctic Blast XI (Grandmaster)
Arctic Talon X (Grandmaster)
Armored XII (Grandmaster)
Arrow Rip X (Grandmaster)
Aspect of the Forest XII (Grandmaster)
Aurora IX (Grandmaster)
Avoid Blame XI (Grandmaster)
Back into the Fray VIII (Grandmaster)
Befuddle XI (Grandmaster)
Bewilderment IX (Grandmaster)
Bloodcloud XI (Grandmaster)
Bloodcoil XIII (Grandmaster)
Bodyguard XII (Grandmaster)
Brainburst XIII (Grandmaster)
Brainshock XIII (Grandmaster)
Clarion XIII (Grandmaster)
Cleave Flesh XI (Grandmaster)
Crippling Strike IX (Grandmaster)
Crouching Tiger XII (Grandmaster)
Crystal Blast XIV (Grandmaster)
Crystallize Soul X (Grandmaster)
Dark Infestation VIII (Grandmaster)
Daro's Sorrowful Dirge X (Grandmaster)
Dawnstrike XIII (Grandmaster)
Deadly Shot XII (Grandmaster)
Death Swarm XIII (Grandmaster)
Desperate Thrust IX (Grandmaster)
Devious Blade X (Grandmaster)
Dire Balm XIV (Grandmaster)
Dissolve XIV (Grandmaster)
Divine Smite XIII (Grandmaster)
Doom Judgment IX (Grandmaster)
Double Blast XI (Grandmaster)
Earthquake XI (Grandmaster)
Elemental Concerto IX (Grandmaster)
Encase XI (Grandmaster)
Enraging Demeanor V (Grandmaster)
Essence of the Great Bear XI (Grandmaster)
Faith Strike XII (Grandmaster)
Fanatic's Faith XI (Grandmaster)
Feast X (Grandmaster)
Fiery Annihilation XIII (Grandmaster)
Flamboyant Strike IX (Grandmaster)
Flames of Velious IX (Grandmaster)
Flash of Steel XIII (Grandmaster)
Forward Charge XII (Grandmaster)
Frenzy IX (Grandmaster)
Gouge XI (Grandmaster)
Harbinger XII (Grandmaster)
Healing Arrow XIV (Grandmaster)
Hemorrhage XIV (Grandmaster)
Heresy VIII (Grandmaster)
Hold the Line XII (Grandmaster)
Imprecate XIII (Grandmaster)
Improvised Weapon X (Grandmaster)
Incinerate XIII (Grandmaster)
Insidious Whisper XIII (Grandmaster)
Insolence VIII (Grandmaster)
Invocation XIII (Grandmaster)
Jael's Dreadful Deprivation XI (Grandmaster)
Jarol's Sorrowful Requiem XI (Grandmaster)
Knight's Stance XII (Grandmaster)
Lightning Fists XI (Grandmaster)
Lightning Palm XI (Grandmaster)
Lightning Strike XIII (Grandmaster)
Lucan's Pact XII (Grandmaster)
Lucidity XII (Grandmaster)
Magma Chamber XII (Grandmaster)
Makeshift Arrows XI (Grandmaster)
Mana Cloak IX (Grandmaster)
Mana Sieve VIII (Grandmaster)
Master of the Hunt XI (Grandmaster)
Meliorate XIV (Grandmaster)
Ministration XIV (Grandmaster)
Mock XIII (Grandmaster)
Nature's Salve XIV (Grandmaster)
Netherous Bind X (Grandmaster)
Noxious Efflux XI (Grandmaster)
Outward Calm VIII (Grandmaster)
Overpower XII (Grandmaster)
Painbringer XII (Grandmaster)
Painful Lamentations XI (Grandmaster)
Petrify XI (Grandmaster)
Power Cleave XI (Grandmaster)
Prayer of Healing XII (Grandmaster)
Premonition XII (Grandmaster)
Prophetic Ward X (Grandmaster)
Provoke XIII (Grandmaster)
Pummel XII (Grandmaster)
Puncture XIII (Grandmaster)
Quick Strike XIII (Grandmaster)
Quick Swipe XV (Grandmaster)
Rapidity VII (Grandmaster)
Razor Edge XI (Grandmaster)
Rear Shot XII (Grandmaster)
Rejuvenating Celebration X (Grandmaster)
Rejuvenation XIV (Grandmaster)
Rupture XII (Grandmaster)
Sandra's Deafening Strike XIII (Grandmaster)
Searing Shot XII (Grandmaster)
Shield of Faith X (Grandmaster)
Silence XI (Grandmaster)
Silent Threat XIII (Grandmaster)
Singing Shot XI (Grandmaster)
Siphon Strength X (Grandmaster)
Siphoning of Souls VIII (Grandmaster)
Slurred Insult XIII (Grandmaster)
Smite Corruption IX (Grandmaster)
Snaring Shot IX (Grandmaster)
Solar Flare XIV (Grandmaster)
Song of Magic XII (Grandmaster)
Songster's Luck XII (Grandmaster)
Soul Cannibalize VIII (Grandmaster)
Soulrot XIV (Grandmaster)
Speechless XI (Grandmaster)
Spine Shot XI (Grandmaster)
Spirit of the Bat IX (Grandmaster)
Stunning Blow X (Grandmaster)
Stupefy IX (Grandmaster)
Swarthy Deception VII (Grandmaster)
Sylvan Bloom XIV (Grandmaster)
Symbol of Marzin XI (Grandmaster)
Taunting Assault IX (Grandmaster)
Tenacity XII (Grandmaster)
Thuri's Doleful Thrust XIII (Grandmaster)
Torpor VIII (Grandmaster)
Ultraviolet Beam XIV (Grandmaster)
Unflinching Will XII (Grandmaster)
Unyielding Benediction V (Grandmaster)
Uppercut X (Grandmaster)
Vampire Bats X (Grandmaster)
Velium Winds XIII (Grandmaster)
Vengeance X (Grandmaster)
Vengeful Arrow XV (Grandmaster)
Waking Dragon XII (Grandmaster)
Ward of the Untamed X (Grandmaster)
Warder's Ferocity IV (Grandmaster)
Weapon Counter X (Grandmaster)
Whirling Blades XI (Grandmaster)
Zander's Choral Rebuff IX (Grandmaster)

Zimaran Grandmaster Recipes Volume III

All Crafters
Abandoned Fury XII (Grandmaster)
Abhorrent Seal IX (Grandmaster)
Abomination XII (Grandmaster)
Absolution XI (Grandmaster)
Abuse XII (Grandmaster)
Act of War X (Grandmaster)
Ambush XIII (Grandmaster)
Ancestral Avatar IX (Grandmaster)
Ancestral Balm VIII (Grandmaster)
Aria of Magic XI (Grandmaster)
Aspect of Darkness XII (Grandmaster)
Aspect of Genius XII (Grandmaster)
Assault XII (Grandmaster)
Atrophy IX (Grandmaster)
Aura of Void X (Grandmaster)
Awaken Grave X (Grandmaster)
Awestruck VIII (Grandmaster)
Beatdown XII (Grandmaster)
Black Jack XI (Grandmaster)
Blasphemy XII (Grandmaster)
Blood Rage V (Grandmaster)
Bloodbath XII (Grandmaster)
Bloodlust XII (Grandmaster)
Brutality XII (Grandmaster)
Cacophony of Blades VIII (Grandmaster)
Call to Arms XII (Grandmaster)
Calm Tranquility XII (Grandmaster)
Caltrops XII (Grandmaster)
Ceremonial Blade XII (Grandmaster)
Challenge XII (Grandmaster)
Chromatic Storm XII (Grandmaster)
Consumption VIII (Grandmaster)
Crescent Strike XII (Grandmaster)
Dark Nebula XII (Grandmaster)
Darksong Blade XII (Grandmaster)
Dead Calm XI (Grandmaster)
Death Blow VIII (Grandmaster)
Death Cloud XII (Grandmaster)
Deny XII (Grandmaster)
Depressing Chant XII (Grandmaster)
Deteriorate XII (Grandmaster)
Dismay XI (Grandmaster)
Divine Inspiration XII (Grandmaster)
Dogma VIII (Grandmaster)
Double-Cross XII (Grandmaster)
Elemental Aspect XII (Grandmaster)
Elemental Unity VIII (Grandmaster)
Emberstrike XIII (Grandmaster)
Enrage XII (Grandmaster)
Ensnare XII (Grandmaster)
Fae Fire X (Grandmaster)
Fiery Magician XI (Grandmaster)
Flameshield XI (Grandmaster)
Flow Like Wind XII (Grandmaster)
Focus Aim VII (Grandmaster)
Forced Obedience XI (Grandmaster)
Fortify Elements XII (Grandmaster)
Frigid Gift X (Grandmaster)
Fusillade IV (Grandmaster)
Glacial Wind XI (Grandmaster)
Glory IX (Grandmaster)
Grim Sorcerer XI (Grandmaster)
Hamstring XI (Grandmaster)
Hangman's Noose XII (Grandmaster)
Healing Fate XI (Grandmaster)
Healing Grove VIII (Grandmaster)
Hibernation VIII (Grandmaster)
Holdup XII (Grandmaster)
Holy Aid XII (Grandmaster)
Holy Circle XII (Grandmaster)
Ice Storm XIII (Grandmaster)
Iceshield XI (Grandmaster)
Ignore Pain VIII (Grandmaster)
Intimidation XII (Grandmaster)
Involuntary Gift X (Grandmaster)
Karana's Hold X (Grandmaster)
Killing Instinct VI (Grandmaster)
Lifetap XI (Grandmaster)
Lung Puncture VIII (Grandmaster)
Maddening Swarm IX (Grandmaster)
Manhandle XI (Grandmaster)
Marauder's Vaunt V (Grandmaster)
Marisha Kur's Blessing XIV (Grandmaster)
Mend VIII (Grandmaster)
Misfortune's Kiss XIII (Grandmaster)
Moderate VII (Grandmaster)
Mug XII (Grandmaster)
Netherealm VIII (Grandmaster)
Night Strike XIII (Grandmaster)
Obliterated Psyche XI (Grandmaster)
Oration of Sacrifice VIII (Grandmaster)
Pandemic XIII (Grandmaster)
Peaceful Link X (Grandmaster)
Peerless Predator XI (Grandmaster)
Perfection of the Maestro VIII (Grandmaster)
Power of Mind XII (Grandmaster)
Regenerating Spores X (Grandmaster)
Righteousness XII (Grandmaster)
Rising Dragon XI (Grandmaster)
Roaring Flames X (Grandmaster)
Rob XIII (Grandmaster)
Sanctuary VI (Grandmaster)
Savage Rake IV (Grandmaster)
Savante IX (Grandmaster)
Selo's Accelerando IX (Grandmaster)
Sentinel VII (Grandmaster)
Shadow Coil XI (Grandmaster)
Shanghai XIII (Grandmaster)
Shout XII (Grandmaster)
Shroud of Bertoxxulous XI (Grandmaster)
Sign of Pacification X (Grandmaster)
Simple Minds XII (Grandmaster)
Sinister Countenance XI (Grandmaster)
Slam XI (Grandmaster)
Smoldering Fists XII (Grandmaster)
Snipe XII (Grandmaster)
Sniper Shot VIII (Grandmaster)
Spiritual Circle VIII (Grandmaster)
Storm of Lightning XII (Grandmaster)
Storming Tempest VIII (Grandmaster)
Synergism X (Grandmaster)
Tarven's Crippling Crescendo XII (Grandmaster)
Tormenting Conversion IX (Grandmaster)
Torture XII (Grandmaster)
Umbral Trap IV (Grandmaster)
Undergrowth IX (Grandmaster)
Unholy Covenant XII (Grandmaster)
Unholy Hunger XII (Grandmaster)
Ursine Avatar XI (Grandmaster)
Vector of Life VIII (Grandmaster)
Velocity VI (Grandmaster)
Verlien's Keen of Despair XII (Grandmaster)
Vexing Verses XII (Grandmaster)
Vine Net XIV (Grandmaster)
Warden of the Forest XI (Grandmaster)

Zimaran Grandmaster Recipes Volume II

All Crafters
Absolute Corruption X (Grandmaster)
Aery Hunter X (Grandmaster)
Amends VI (Grandmaster)
Amnesia VI (Grandmaster)
Arcane Symphony XI (Grandmaster)
Armor of Nature XII (Grandmaster)
Armor of Seasons XII (Grandmaster)
Battle Tactics XI (Grandmaster)
Berserk Rage XIII (Grandmaster)
Blackguard XI (Grandmaster)
Blaze of Faith X (Grandmaster)
Boon of the Damned XI (Grandmaster)
Breeze XI (Grandmaster)
Bria's Entrancing Sonnet XI (Grandmaster)
Bum Rush XII (Grandmaster)
Cannibalize Thoughts X (Grandmaster)
Chains of Torment X (Grandmaster)
Chaos Anthem X (Grandmaster)
Charm XIII (Grandmaster)
Concussion XI (Grandmaster)
Consecrate VIII (Grandmaster)
Control Undead VIII (Grandmaster)
Converge XI (Grandmaster)
Crippling Arrow XI (Grandmaster)
Crusade XI (Grandmaster)
Cunning Defense XI (Grandmaster)
Dancing Blade XII (Grandmaster)
Dark Blade XII (Grandmaster)
Daro's Dull Blade XII (Grandmaster)
Dashing Swathe XI (Grandmaster)
Death Mark XI (Grandmaster)
Demoralizing Processional VIII (Grandmaster)
Destructive Rage XI (Grandmaster)
Devastation Fist X (Grandmaster)
Disheartening Descant XI (Grandmaster)
Dispatch VIII (Grandmaster)
Epiphany XI (Grandmaster)
Evade XII (Grandmaster)
Everburning Flame VII (Grandmaster)
Fanatical Healing XIII (Grandmaster)
Fancy Footwork XI (Grandmaster)
Favor of the Wild XI (Grandmaster)
Fervent Faith VIII (Grandmaster)
Five Rings XI (Grandmaster)
Forced Hesitation X (Grandmaster)
Forest Spirit XI (Grandmaster)
Frozen Palm XII (Grandmaster)
Furnace of Ro VIII (Grandmaster)
Gift of Bertoxxulous X (Grandmaster)
Glacial Lance XV (Grandmaster)
Graceful Avoidance XI (Grandmaster)
Grasping Bones IX (Grandmaster)
Gut Kick XII (Grandmaster)
Harm Touch XI (Grandmaster)
Head Crush XI (Grandmaster)
Holy Armor XII (Grandmaster)
Hurricane IV (Grandmaster)
Illusory Allies VIII (Grandmaster)
Inquest IX (Grandmaster)
Invective IX (Grandmaster)
Jael's Mysterious Mettle XI (Grandmaster)
Jugular Slice XI (Grandmaster)
Kidney Stab XII (Grandmaster)
Knee Break XII (Grandmaster)
Lanet's Excruciating Scream XI (Grandmaster)
Lay on Hands XI (Grandmaster)
Litany X (Grandmaster)
Lockdown X (Grandmaster)
Lunar Attendant IX (Grandmaster)
Mana Intromission X (Grandmaster)
Mana Trickle X (Grandmaster)
Manatap X (Grandmaster)
Mark of Divinity XI (Grandmaster)
Masked Strike XII (Grandmaster)
Massacre XI (Grandmaster)
Master's Intervention IX (Grandmaster)
Meteor Fist XII (Grandmaster)
Mind's Eye IX (Grandmaster)
Miracle Shot X (Grandmaster)
Murderous Design VII (Grandmaster)
Murderous Rake XI (Grandmaster)
Natural Selection XI (Grandmaster)
Nature's Elixir XIII (Grandmaster)
Nature's Embrace XIII (Grandmaster)
Nature's Pack VIII (Grandmaster)
Netherlord IX (Grandmaster)
Never Surrender VII (Grandmaster)
Nightshade X (Grandmaster)
Noxious Symphony XI (Grandmaster)
One Hundred Hand Punch XI (Grandmaster)
Paralyzing Strike X (Grandmaster)
Penitent Kick XII (Grandmaster)
Personae Reflection XIII (Grandmaster)
Plant X (Grandmaster)
Pledge of Armament XI (Grandmaster)
Protoflame IX (Grandmaster)
Quicksand X (Grandmaster)
Repentance XI (Grandmaster)
Restoration XIII (Grandmaster)
Ring of Fire VIII (Grandmaster)
Ritual Healing XIII (Grandmaster)
Roundhouse Kick XII (Grandmaster)
Roundhouse XII (Grandmaster)
Runic Armor XII (Grandmaster)
Rush XV (Grandmaster)
Sacred Armor XII (Grandmaster)
Sacrifice X (Grandmaster)
Sacrificial Restoration XIII (Grandmaster)
Salubrious Invocation XIII (Grandmaster)
Sandstorm IX (Grandmaster)
Scream of Death VIII (Grandmaster)
Shackle XII (Grandmaster)
Shadow Slip VII (Grandmaster)
Shank X (Grandmaster)
Shenanigans XI (Grandmaster)
Shield of Blackwood XIII (Grandmaster)
Shroud of Armor XII (Grandmaster)
Slothful Spirit VIII (Grandmaster)
Sneak Attack XII (Grandmaster)
Sonic Punch VIII (Grandmaster)
Soulrend XII (Grandmaster)
Spirit of the Mammoth XI (Grandmaster)
Starnova X (Grandmaster)
Storm of Steel VIII (Grandmaster)
Stream of Arrows VIII (Grandmaster)
Stunning Roar X (Grandmaster)
Sucker Punch X (Grandmaster)
Surge of Ro X (Grandmaster)
Survival Instincts XI (Grandmaster)
Tap Veins VIII (Grandmaster)
Tendrils of Horror VI (Grandmaster)
Theorems X (Grandmaster)
Transfer Life X (Grandmaster)
Unholy Strength XI (Grandmaster)
Vehemence XI (Grandmaster)
Voice of the Ancestors VIII (Grandmaster)
Winds of Permafrost X (Grandmaster)
Winds of Velious VIII (Grandmaster)
Wrath Stance XII (Grandmaster)
Wrath of the Ancients X (Grandmaster)

Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Innoruuk's Child
Adds the following to an item:
Purple Adornment

Innoruuk's Child
Applies Innoruuk's Child when Activated.
  On a healing spell cast this spell has a 6.8% chance to cast Innoruuk's Child on target of spell cast.
  Summon 1 Innoruuk's Child
  Cannot be modified except by direct means
  \#B7410EThe below effect is descriptive only, to gain the below effect you must consume the summoned Innoruuk's Child item.
  Applies Innoruuk's Rebirth.
  Heals caster for 733.
  Cannot be modified except by direct means
  The casting time of Innoruuk's Child is 4.0 seconds and the reuse time of the spell is 30.0 seconds

Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Calculated Force
TREASURED, Calculated Force
Adds the following to an item:
Purple Adornment

Calculated Force
When Equipped:
  On a beneficial spell cast this spell has a 38% chance to cast Calculated Force on target of spell cast. Lasts for 14.3 seconds.
  Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of target by 71.4, multiplied by increment stacks.
  Calculated Force cancels on targets who are cured while under it's effects.
  Cannot be modified except by direct means
  This effect can only trigger once every 4.2 - 7.2 seconds.
  Must be in combat.
  Calculated Force will not trigger on the caster.

Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Lacerating Dust Storm
Adds the following to an item:
Purple Adornment

Lacerating Dust Storm
Applies Lacerating Dust Storm when Activated. Lasts for 12.0 seconds.
  Increases Weapon Damage of group members (AE) by 350.5.
  Increases Flurry of Group members (AE) by 35.2.
  Increases Flurry Multiplier of group members (AE) by 4.0.
  Cannot be modified except by direct means
  The reuse time of Lacerating Dust Storm is 15 minutes

Zimaran Intangible Crossbow
This raw harvest looks as if it could be used for crafting level 130-139 items.

Zimaran Intangible Buckler
This raw harvest looks as if it could be used for crafting level 130-139 items.

Blessed Prayer Beads
This item may be worth something to deity heralds across Norrath or to sell for status.

Celestial Divine Effigy
This item may be worth something to deity heralds across Norrath or to sell for status.

Illusory Allies VIII (Master)
Up to 30.0 meters
1 seconds
0.5 seconds
180 seconds
15 seconds
32.8% Easier

  Applies Memory Wipe on termination. Lasts for 1.0 second.
  Wipes most of the target's memory of aggression
  Summons 6 limited pets to aid the caster

Small Orange Fan Grass
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.

Frigid Gift X (Adept)
Group (AE)
0.5 seconds
0.5 seconds
90 seconds
24 seconds

  On a hostile ability cast this spell will cast Ice Lash on target of spell. Lasts for 6.0 seconds.
  Inflicts 2,769 - 3,385 cold damage on target.
  Slows target by 95.4%.
  5% chance to dispel when target receives hostile action
  5% chance to dispel when target takes damage
  This effect can only trigger once every 0.5 - 3.5 seconds.

Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Breeching of Extended Fervor

Creates Items:
Zimaran Nilborien's Breeching of Extended Fervor

Extended Zimaran Coating of the Nilborien's
Adds the following to an item:
63.3 Max Health
4 hours
Temporary Adornment
Primary, Secondary, Head, Chest, Shoulders, Wrist, Waist


Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Temporal Preparation
Adds the following to an item:
22.3 Reuse Speed
Purple Adornment


Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Shoes of Ability

Creates Items:
Zimaran Nilborien's Shoes of Ability
130 Warden
Item Discoveries
Foiwom was first to discover 2,686 items* on their server**.
Item Discovery Date
\#FC94AFshining black scarab2024-02-01 06:33:37 PM
Aqua and Lavender Square Hooluk Pillow2024-08-01 05:18:34 PM
Bodyguard XII (Grandmaster)2024-03-26 12:54:42 AM
Zimaran Grandmaster Recipes Volume I2024-04-07 08:19:15 PM
Zimaran Grandmaster Recipes Volume III2024-03-28 06:03:31 PM
Zimaran Grandmaster Recipes Volume II2024-03-26 12:54:42 AM
Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Innoruuk's Child2024-04-13 12:40:37 AM
Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Calculated Force2024-04-10 09:46:25 PM
Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Lacerating Dust Storm2024-03-30 06:44:29 PM
Zimaran Intangible Crossbow2024-01-06 11:11:59 PM   
Zimaran Intangible Buckler2024-01-06 11:11:19 PM   
Blessed Prayer Beads2024-04-01 12:15:07 AM
Celestial Divine Effigy2024-03-24 12:42:43 AM
Illusory Allies VIII (Master)2024-08-17 09:34:09 PM
Small Orange Fan Grass2024-07-09 10:35:40 PM
Frigid Gift X (Adept)2024-03-17 10:39:33 PM
Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Breeching of Extended Fervor2024-06-05 10:35:02 PM
Extended Zimaran Coating of the Nilborien's2024-04-10 09:53:55 PM
Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Temporal Preparation2024-03-25 04:04:46 AM
Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Shoes of Ability2024-04-07 11:28:07 PM

*NOTE: Characters are credited for an item discovery if they were the first to discover it on their server. A world discovery (which displays a trophy) is if they were the first to discover it on ALL servers. Please view the Item Details page for any item to see historical item discovery pages for retired servers. Unfortunately we do not have item discovery data for the 2011 round of server merges (Everfrost, Permafrost, etc.).