decaying Droag scale
This is a scale from a Droag. It is decaying.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 450 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 50.
blemished Droag scale
This is a blemished scale from a Droag
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 450 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 50.
small polished Droag molar
This is a small polished Droag molar.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 450 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 50.
unblemished dragon scale fragment
This is an unblemished scale fragment from a Dragon.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 450 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 50.
1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 289 AS - Page 8
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 250 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 30.
Evil Eye Musings
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
This is a mastery tome. Use the knowledge contained within to gain a basic understanding of the tactics to use against the chosen foe.
Looted souvenir treasure: A now cooled lump of Lavastorm brimstone. A merchant might pay several coin for this item.
Indicolite Relic
An ancient relic made of indicolite that looks to have ancient runes inscribed upon the side. You will be awarded a great amount of status if you give this to a member of a powerful guild of fighters.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 500 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 55.
Froglok Meditation Pool
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
This small meditation pool is an ancient artifact dating back to the Age of Turmoil. It is rumored that those that make use of this pond on a regular basis will receive the guidance and protection of Mithaniel Marr.
Rent Status Reduction
The Legendary Screaming Mace
This item may be placed on the wall of all house types.
House Item
The Screaming Mace. This terror inducing relic was recovered from the Keeper within the temple of Cazic-Thule.
Trophy: Mezmith's Chance
This item may be placed on the wall of all house types.
"Nothing is what it seems. Nothing." - Mezmith Mindsmith
a pristine bone office desk
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
Rent Status Reduction
a pristine elegant bone table
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
Rent Status Reduction
a pristine bone rocking chair
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
Rent Status Reduction
a masquerade vase
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
Rent Status Reduction
a pristine carbonite sconce
This item may be placed on the wall of all house types.
This ornamental light fixture gives off only a gentle glow.
Rent Status Reduction
a large obsidian bookcase
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
Rent Status Reduction
a large marble bookcase
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
Rent Status Reduction
"The Pirate Queen and the Seafury Buccaneers"
This book appears incomplete. Reading it may give clues to finding the missing text.
Gnoma Obscura
This item may be placed on the wall of all house types.
A personalized and very beautifully done portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle
Rent Status Reduction
Item Discoveries |
Dunia was first to discover 150 items* on their server**.
*NOTE: Characters are credited for an item discovery if they were the first to discover it on their server. A world discovery (which displays a trophy) is if they were the first to discover it on ALL servers. Please view the Item Details page for any item to see historical item discovery pages for retired servers. Unfortunately we do not have item discovery data for the 2011 round of server merges (Everfrost, Permafrost, etc.).