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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
a giant toe
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Cazel's Mesa
a sand giant assassin
Darantar the Revived
Darantar the Tamer
Doomfire, the Burning Lands
a chaplain of fire
a defender of fire
a diviner of fire
a hunter of fire
a magus of fire
a priest of fire
a protector of fire
a watcher of fire
Archmage Yaranni
Captain of Fire
Doomfire: The Enkindled Towers [Expert]
a defender of fire
a hunter of fire
a magus of fire
a priest of fire
a protector of fire
a watcher of fire
Doomfire: The Enkindled Towers [Heroic]
a chaplain of fire
a defender of fire
a diviner of fire
a hunter of fire
a magus of fire
a priest of fire
a protector of fire
a watcher of fire
Pyrefist, Dark Guardian
Doomfire: The Enkindled Towers [Solo]
a chaplain of fire
a defender of fire
a dinviner of fire
a diviner of fire
a hunter of fire
a magus of fire
a priest of fire
a protector of fire
a watcher of fire
Pyrefist, Dark Guardian
Drayek's Chamber
a Kromise royal guard
Eastern Wastes
a Kromzek pervasor
a Kromise guard
a Kromise hermit
a Kromise lookout
Fabled Kael Drakkel
a Kromzek allectus
a Kromzek armicustos
a Kromzek assiduus
a Kromzek cornicul
a Kromzek custos
a Kromzek dekanos
a Kromzek deprecator
a Kromzek duplicar
a Kromzek evocatus
a Kromzek faber
a Kromzek fumentar
a Kromzek immunicar
a Kromzek legatus
a Kromzek munifex
a Kromzek primicer
a Kromzek procusator
a Kromzek quaestor
a Kromzek scurra
a Kromzek sectator
a Kromzek tribunus
a Kromzek unicultor
a Kromzek viator
Evocatus Tutr
Fens of Nathsar
a Kromdek lumberjack
a Kromdek stonegatherer
a Kromdek warmonger
Great Divide
a befuddled Kromrif spirit
compelled Kromrif spirit
lingering Kromrif lancer
lingering Kromrif shocktrooper
Hold of Rime: The Ascent
a Forgotten Defender
a forgotten patroller
a Forgotten Protector
a Forgotten taskmaster
Forgotten Overseer Brokentusk
Iceshard Keep
a Kromzek deprecator
a Kromzek emissarius
a Kromzek neocorus
a Kromzek vigilis
Private Guard Krox
Iceshard Keep [Agnostic]
a Kromzek emissarius
a Kromzek vigilis
Kael Drakkel
a Kromzek allectus
a Kromzek armatura
a Kromzek armicustos
a Kromzek assiduus
a Kromzek cornicul
a Kromzek custos
a Kromzek dekanos
a Kromzek deprecator
a Kromzek duplicar
a Kromzek evocatus
a Kromzek expeditus
a Kromzek faber
a Kromzek fumentar
a Kromzek immunicar
a Kromzek legatus
a Kromzek munifex
a Kromzek praetorian
a Kromzek primicer
a Kromzek procusator
a Kromzek quaestor
a Kromzek scurra
a Kromzek sectator
a Kromzek tribunus
a Kromzek unicultor
a Kromzek viator
Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime
Iilatus Frostbeard
Kylong Plains
a hillock crusher
an arbor giant
a defender of Thyr
Nektulos Forest
a Nightfall giant
Obulus Frontier
a Chalp bludgeoner
a Chalp crusher
a Chalp seer
a Chalp stomper
a Kromdul defender
a kromdul forest giant
a Warslik's mountain giant
Brown Beard
a Kromise Curn defender
a Kromise Curn fury
a Kromise Curn seer
a Kromise Curn templar
a Kromise Curn watchman
a Kromise Deacon watchman
a Kromise pack tamer
a Kromise Rem cassok
a Kromise Rem pugilist
a Kromise Rem watchman
a Kromise Trapper
a Kromise Virh armsmen
a Kromise Virh mender
a Kromise Virh savage
a Kromise Virh sentry
a taken Kromise cleric
an Ikro Kromise cleric
an Ikro Kromise protector
Commander Keg
Igrah Coldfist
Kerhn Chillwind
Portal to the Past: Nagafen's Lair
Warlord Skarlon
Shining Mesa Stronghold
an Invoker of Flame
Solusek Ro's Tower: Citadel of the Sun [Raid]
a sentry of Ro
an emberscale tamer
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Expert]
a radiant guardian
a sentry of Ro
a shard protector
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Heroic]
a radiant guardian
a sentry of Ro
a shard protector
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]
a radiant guardian
a sentry of Ro
a shard protector
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Expert]
a radiant guardian
a sentry of Ro
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Heroic]
a radiant guardian
a sentry of Ro
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo]
a radiant guardian
a sentry of Ro
Solusek's Eye
a defender of Thyr
a diviner of Thyr
a firelord of Thyr
a flamelord of Thyr
a guardian of Thyr
a magus of Thyr
a protector of Thyr
a pyreduke of Thyr
an awaiting traveler
Lieutenant Gordak
The Speaker of Fates
Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic]
Guardian of Thyr
Hortu the Scorched
Lord Kargurak
Pyreduke Surtaug
Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Raid]
Guardian of Thyr
Lord Kargurak
The Deep Forge
a Netherflame enforcer
Cruhm the Overseer
The Deep Forge [Agnostic]
a Netherflame enforcer
The Oratorium of Thyr
a Thyr questioner
Flame Lord Thyr
The Pillars of Flame
a Kromtorr archmagi
a Kromtorr lieutenant
a Kromtorr magi
a Kromtorr soldier
The Sinking Sands
an exiled Kromtorr
The Temple of Rallos Zek
a Kromzek castigar
a Kromzek imperium
a Kromzek judicar
The Thundering Steppes
a Firerock giant
a Firerock goliath
a Firerock scout
Bruuhl Firerock
The Withered Lands
a wildgrown Kromzek basher
a wildgrown Kromzek entangler
a wildgrown Kromzek handler
a wildgrown Kromzek lasher
Throne of Storms
a Kromzek duplicar
a Kromzek edictalis
a Kromzek fulgurator
a Kromzek procurator
Wolfmaster Oor
Throne of the Kromise King
a Kromise guardian
a Kromise statue
Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Duo]
Oveld Stormwaker
Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Event Heroic]
Oveld Stormwaker
Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Expert Event]
Oveld Stormwaker
Triad of Elements [Solo]
Baron Bromz
Western Wastes
a Kromzek icebreaker
Western Wastes: Darkened Passages [Heroic II]
a Kromzek defiler
a Kromzek icebreaker
Western Wastes: Darkened Passages [Heroic I]
a Kromzek defiler
a Kromzek froststalker
a Kromzek winterweaver
Arkanak the Dubious
Krejian Krusher
Western Wastes: Darkened Passages [Solo]
a Kromzek defiler
a Kromzek icebreaker
a Kromzek winterweaver
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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