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small bag of compost
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
The Estate of Unrest
a bone barbed skeleton
a captive soul
a cucuy
a doomed visitant
a fragment of Garanel
a kitchen helper
a provoked musician
a relentless bonegrasp
a shard of Garanel
a suffering prisoner
a tormenting haunt
a victim of the battlemaster
an accumulation of drowned sorrows
an agitated corpse
an endlessly lost traveler
an enraged cook
an eternal servant
A Memory of Echoes
a minotaur guardian
Ancient's Table
Xiria N'Zyvyl
Zoryl N'Xyv
Antechamber of Fate
a skeletal warrior
a Blackburrow invader
a shifty farmer
Ascent of the Awakened
a follower of the Fire Breath
a sentinel of The Awakened
adept of the Flapping Wing
channeler of the Flapping Wing
conscript of the Icy Breath
disciple of The Slashing Talon
instructor of the Fire Breath
protector of The Slashing Talon
pupil of the Icy Breath
scholar of the Icy Breath
trainee of the Fire Breath
Ascent of the Awakened: Audience with the Guardian
a sentinel of The Awakened
Befallen: Cavern of the Afflicted
a disturbed vigilant
Befallen: Halls of the Forsaken
a forlorn man-at-arms
a forsaken conscript
Besieged Freeport Docks
a Freeport defender
Big Bend: Sanctum of Spirits
a crazed ogre
a minion of the Grozmok
a possessing spirit
Blades' Arena
a Blades initiate
Castle Mistmoore
a grinning protector
a gypsy musician
a gypsy performer
a jeering gargoyle
a leering gargoyle
a Libant defender
a lupine blackpaw
a silverfang warrior
a Somborn dignitary
a Somborn werewolf
a vampiric protector
a warding gargoyle
a watching gargoyle
an honored lord
Arimi Z'Jzinez
Athelhi D'Dzhonek
Athevzha H'Oxable
Avable B'Veble
Cherista's Guardian
Dfamei R'Xizsi
Dfaque Z'Xaque
Dfaver Y'Hrable
Dfavzha J'Izhavzha
Dhinez V'Zimi
Dhipoz J'Szevzha
Dimei V'Jreque
Dizsi V'Kthevizh
Drekin K'Vzhivar
Dwila N'Jthenez
Dwimer N'Qhevar
Dwirez R'Orime
Hrakin V'Vzhipoz
Hramer V'Xylimer
Hranez S'Jylexi
Hranez V'Qhemei
Hzamei K'Vythiwer
Ingkin B'Vevar
Irible V'Xiwer
Irimi D'Ximi
Irimi V'Tazizsi
Ixalhi T'Oxavar
Ixalhi Z'Kthapoz
Ixavar T'Tyrime
Ixavzha V'Oxamei
Ixaxi D'Drevar
Ixhque J'Dinez
Ixhque N'Iriker
Izhapoz J'Arizsi
Izhavizh K'Rethirez
Jreker D'Qhoque
Jremei Y'Irimer
Jreque J'Delhi
Jthewer J'Qhala
Jthewer V'Zvizsi
Jyleque D'Jtheble
Jzible T'Dzhover
Jzila X'Qhexi
Jzivar Y'Tyrinek
Jzivar Z'Qhower
Khanez V'Tyhanek
Khravar N'Vepoz
Krenez X'Rzhenek
Krevizh T'Irimi
Krime R'Jthepoz
Krivar J'Dhible
Kthapoz J'Kzevizh
Kthapoz Z'Kzekin
Kthaver H'Zixi
Kthevar X'Axible
Kvhila X'Kthevar
Kvhivar H'Dhvanez
Kvhivzha Z'Khable
Kvhiwer V'Varez
Maestro Kerberos
Nzhenez X'Tazivizh
Oriker K'Kzewer
Orilhi B'Rxokin
Orimi Z'Rhivar
Orivzha J'Krizsi
Ozikin B'Ixanez
Ozikin J'Vethiver
Qhaver R'Qhover
Qhaver T'Dhivar
Qhenez V'Khravar
Qhevar S'Xique
Qhoker R'Xalhi
Qhoker Z'Divizh
Qhomer T'Orirez
Rethinez T'Setiker
Rethiwer X'Xylime
Rhirez H'Drekin
Rhiver N'Dime
Rhixi B'Rzhelhi
Rxomei D'Rzhever
Rxovar D'Divizh
Rzhela V'Zeable
Rzherez Y'Zeami
Rzhever J'Xyla
Rzhevizh D'Xyvzha
Setiker H'Dfamer
Setiwer H'Vuelhi
Sxhinez X'Dwiker
Sxhivar J'Kthezsi
Szevar N'Vythikin
Tazikin V'Xyliwer
Tazimei X'Ingme
Tazizsi Y'Rhivar
Texikin X'Jziver
the Huntmaster's lackey
the Huntmaster's ravisher
Treque K'Vynek
Tyhaver J'Atherez
Tyrivar D'Tazivzha
Vapoz K'Dezsi
Varez J'Vzhivzha
Vavizh X'Rxolhi
Vela K'Vzhixi
Vevar J'Khamei
Vevizh J'Oziver
Vewer T'Xyvzha
Vinimi T'Deque
Virez K'Jrapoz
Vivar D'Khavar
Vivizh D'Tyhanek
Vueble Z'Sxhivzha
Vuemer D'Xami
Vuepoz R'Jylekin
Vuevar K'Qhawer
Vuevar N'Dreque
Vymei Z'Ixhla
Vythila Z'Kthela
Vythinez D'Jzixi
Vythivzha Z'Jthepoz
Vyver N'Vininek
Vzhimi V'Setipoz
Vzhivizh D'Zeramer
Vzhizsi Z'Qhavizh
Xamer D'Qhevizh
Xaque Z'Oxaver
Xenez T'Dwikin
Xivizh Z'Nzhevzha
Xylilhi T'Szewer
Xyme T'Nzhela
Xyvar T'Oxazsi
Zalhi Z'Dfakin
Zanez Z'Xyliver
Zavar V'Izhami
Zavizh T'Hraker
Zavzha Z'Oxaver
Zealhi H'Zivar
Zeaxi V'Krimer
Zeravzha T'Hzami
Zevar T'Vyble
Zsipoz R'Trepoz
Zykin D'Khramei
Zyxi B'Ozique
Zyxi Z'Khazsi
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a haunting spectre
a helot skeleton
a helot spectre
a helot spirit
a nightmarish vision
a sepulcher skeleton
a sepulcher spectre
a sepulcher spirit
an elementalbone skeleton
an undertaker skeleton
an undertaker supplicant
The Keeper of Dreams
a Bathezid aerodrome sentry
a Bathezid enchanter
a Bathezid veteran
Crushbone: The Wracked
a Crushbone thaumaturgist
Crypt of Valdoon
a bloodcovet mangler
a bloodcovet ravager
a crypt guardian
a Trueborn adherent
a Trueborn cohort
a Trueborn factotum
a Trueborn steward
a Trueborn vindicator
an animated sentinel
a Blackscale servitor
a cadaverous Doomwing dragoon
a crumbling Doomwing enforcer
a Doomwing dracomagus carcass
a flayed Doomwing Legionaire
a fleshstripped Blackscale precursor
a plasma spirit
a putrified Doomwing
Soulless Vengeance
Evernight Abbey
a blighting nightswift
a Libant sweordwegend
a Libant weard
Fens of Nathsar
a Bathezid outrider
a Bellywhumper cursecleaner
a Bonedigger baublefinder
a Bonedigger harvester
a Bonedigger pathfinder
a cabalist apprentice
a Cabilisian ruins pillager
a crystal tender
a crystal whisperer
a dragonmage spellslinger
a forsaken Cabilisian spirit
a Kromdek lumberjack
a Kromdek stonegatherer
a Kromdek warmonger
a Nurgan deathguard
a Nurgan metalshaper
a Nurgan minedigger
a Nurgan minegineer
a Nurgan mineguard
a Nurgan tinkermasher
a Priest of Life
a Rilissian advancer
a Rilissian cabalist
a Sarnshak arcanaught
a Sarnshak ranger
a Sarnshak scalecleaver
a Sarnshak sentry
a wretched Cabilisian trooper
a Yha-lei explorer
a Yha-lei hydromancer
a Yha-lei mindbender
an ageless dragonslayer
an elite shardhammer
an elite sleetsaber
an exiled bandit aggressor
an exiled Rilissian bandit
an invading flurryburst
an invading nova-vicar
an invading shardfist
an invading shardhammer
an invading sleetsaber
an Omen's Call fisherman
Bisbing the Fuzzy
Commander Drisk
The Dark Emissary
Freethinker Hideout
a D'Morte infiltrator
a D'Morte ransacker
a D'Morte sorcerer
a marrow ravager
a marrow ripper
Malkonis D'Morte
Frostfang Sea
a woken spirit
Grand Inquisitor's Chamber
Grand Inquisitor Te'Lex
Imperiled Druid Ring
a hatemonger
a hatemonger guard
Ironforge Family Catacombs
a ceremony attendee
Jarsath Wastes
a Dracurion hoplite
a Durus decapitator
a Durus flayer
a Durus scar guardian
a forgotten phantasm
a forsaken vision
a tortured shadow
a Yha-lei netman
a Yha-lei patroller
an iksar insurgent
an unearthed dragoon
an unearthed sentry
an unearthed soldier
Scout Verkaera
Karnor's Castle
a drolvarg advisor
a drolvarg ballistaleer
a drolvarg bodyguard
a drolvarg elite
a drolvarg guardian
a drolvarg sentry
a drolvarg trainee
a drolvarg trainer
a drolvarg warmonger
a skeletal caretaker
a skeletal guardian
a skeletal lookout
a skeletal watcher
a spectral knight
a spectral protector
An Undead Jailer
Commander Jorah
Noknar Garfist
Sergeant Levik
Watchmaster Hattmantan
Kunzar Jungle
a Jinisk citizen
a jungle quatcha
a liberated reet wizard
a mistgoblin shaman
a mistgoblin warrior
a reet slave
a renegade snooper
a risen brittlebone
a Rock shackle monk
a Rubble-rabble burrower
a Rubble-rabble detector
a Sathirian milite
a Sathirian oathsworn sentry
a Sathirian patroller
a Sathirian sokokar keeper
a Sathirian tracker
a Sathirian trooper
a spurbone skeleton
a Torsis phantom
a Torsis spectre
a veteran shardtroop
an elder jungle quatcha
an elite flurryburst
an elite shardfist
an ice-dazed iksar villager
an old quatcha patriarch
an Outer Sebilisian sentry
Gredix's crew member
Kylong Plains
a Broken Toe backbiter
a Broken Toe dust mystic
a Broken Toe raider
a Broken Toe scrapper
a Broken Toe stabber
a crumbling spurbone
a Di'Zok battlerager
a Di'Zok berserker
a Di'Zok blademaster
a Di'Zok bloodfrenzy
a Di'Zok bonedancer
a Di'Zok diviner
a Di'Zok infiltrator
a Di'Zok saboteur
a Di'Zok zealot
a drachnid adept
a drachnid bloodknight
a drachnid enthraller
a drachnid hunter
a drachnid recluse
a drolvarg fodderling
a drolvarg gnasher
a drolvarg hooligan
a drolvarg rager
a drolvarg ravisher
a drolvarg scavenger
a drolvarg snarler
a fractured shardbone
a Freedom Ambassador pilgrim
a garrison flurryburst
a garrison shardhammer
a garrison sleetsaber
a Gra'al Shul alchemist
a Gra'al Shul archaeologist
a Gra'al Shul mage
a Gra'al Shul scout
a Gra'al Shul watcher
a Gwalnax berserker
a hillock crusher
a hulking brute
a mudfin warrior
a Rime garrison sergeant
a Rime pillager
a Ryjesium ore foreman
a Ryjesium ore miner
a Sathirian mage
a Sathirian medic
a Sathirian priest
a Sathirian scout
a Sathirian watcher
a seasoned Rime pillager
a Sel'Nok infiltrator
a Venril adherent
an arbor giant
an invading shardhammer
Arbor King Zamont
Overseer Rotsnot III
The Honey Grubber
Lockjaw's Lair
Sha'ir of Flame
Sha'ir of Magic
Sha'ir of Stone
Loping Plains
a Bummer Gang bandit
a Bummer Gang gravecaller
a Bummer Gang lookout
a Bummer Gang thug
a cannibalistic ghoul
a glyphed ghoul
a gremlin muse
a gremlin trickster
a lumbering ghoul
a Lyrech bloodthirster
a Lyrech mystic
a Lyrech sentry
a Lyrech stalker
a Mistmoore censor
a Mistmoore enforcer
a Mistmoore lictor
a Mistmoore slayer
a Mistmoore watcher
a plodding ghoul
a Primordial Malice cultist
a Primordial Malice shadowknight
a pumpkin headed corpseman
a ravenous ghoul
a Redbeard aggressor
a Redbeard chaplain
a Redbeard geomancer
a Redbeard miner
a Redbeard sentinel
a risen bandit
a risen Sareth'Tal gnoll
a risen thug
a Sareth'Tal defender
a Sareth'Tal elder
a Sareth'Tal forager
a Sareth'Tal stormcaller
Jhevar J'Szezsi
Xyvar V'Vamei
a Sha'ir
Miragul's Phylactery: Scion of Ice
a menagerie toiler
Miragul's Phylactery: The Anathema
a bileful angst
a bitter angst
a dark malevolence
a hostile malevolence
a rageful angst
a self loathing
a tormenting anguish
Miragul's Phylactery: The Crucible
a Deepwater knight
a Gate Caller magician
a Gate Caller summoner
Mistmoore Catacombs
a Crushbone guest
a drelock convert
a dwarven thrall
a failed convert
a loyal convert
a loyal lookout
a Mistmoore aide
a Mistmoore bloodmage
a Mistmoore bloodoath
a Mistmoore bloodseeker
a Mistmoore butler
a Mistmoore caretaker
a Mistmoore guard
a Mistmoore maid
a Mistmoore overseer
a Mistmoore priestess
a Mistmoore servant
a Mistmoore soulmerger
a Myr'dal magician
a Myr'dal ravager
a Myr'dal savager
a Myr'dal spiritcaller
an uncontrollable drelock
Darlek the Exterminator
Head Butler Z'ral
Kassar the Uncontrollable
Sarvalag the Crusher
Mistmoore's Inner Sanctum
a dark vampire
a Mistmoore blood drinker
a sanctum chaperone
a vampiric protector
Mayong Mistmoore
Mistmyr Manor
a Lubesh dignitary
an Ydal manservant
Moors of Ykesha
a Brokenskull deckhand
a Brokenskull handler
a Brokenskull mate
a Brokenskull officer
a Brokenskull swabber
a Nuknok gorer
a Nuknok pounder
a Nuknok screamer
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz monk
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz ranger
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz warden
a void-touched Brokenskull mate
Brokenskull defender
Brokenskull fisher
Brokenskull striker
Captain Wavesmasher
Mate Thugurg
Quartermaster Stumps
sweeper bot
The Incredible Lumberer
Thullosian grinder
Thullosian mumbler
Thullosian poker
Thullosian spearer
Ykeshan froglok
Ykeshan troll
Ykeshan wanderer
Najena's Hollow Tower
a gnomish majikamaker
Nektropos Castle: Tribulation
a dolly
a possessed crate
an angry librarian
Tiha Amenweth
Nektulos Forest
a calcified skeleton
New Tunaria
a dreloc outcast
a myntr tribesman
a royal guard
a Tunarian guard
a Tunarian rider
an arcanist
Nizara, City of the Nayad
Dutheris, the Deathless Dark
Dutheris, the Dying Dark
Palace of the Awakened
a Blacktalon attendant
a Blacktalon coadjutant
a Blacktalon crafter
a Blacktalon disciple
a Blacktalon follower
a Blacktalon hatchling
a Blacktalon initiate
a Blacktalon palace guard
a Blacktalon palace knight
a Blacktalon partisan
a Blacktalon savant
a Blacktalon tinker
a Blacktalon vanquisher
a Blacktalon watcher
a Blacktalon workshop warden
a Bloodscale conjuror
a Bloodscale counselor
a Bloodscale dreadknight
a Bloodscale enforcer
a Bloodscale high priest
a Bloodscale invoker
a Bloodscale shadowslayer
a fiendish Naar'Yora defender
a Naar'Yora defender
a Naar'Yora philosopher
a Naar'Yora scholar
an armor of theer
Captain Krivak
Hero of the West Wind
the Visage of Aeristok
Portal to the Past: Southern Desert of Ro
a mummy
Qeynos Capitol District
a woken spirit
an aggressive plotter
Ravenscale Repository
a Libant craftworker
a Libant lexiconian
Sanctum of the Scaleborn
a herald of Dar
a proven Scaleborn reaver
a recovering soulclencher
a Scaleborn acolyte
a Scaleborn banisher
a Scaleborn benedictor
a Scaleborn diviner
a Scaleborn harbinger
a Scaleborn magus
a Scaleborn oracle
a Scaleborn reaver
a Scaleborn ritualist
a Scaleborn scalder
a Scaleborn sentry
a Scaleborn Soulclencher
a Scaleborn soulclencher
a Scaleborn theurgist
a Scaleborn trainer
a Scaleborn warrior
a Scaleborn worshipper
a sentinel builder
a subjugated attendant
a talonlord bladehand
a watchful spiritualist
an acidic cube mass
an alert Scaleborn reaver
an alert Scaleborn sentry
an assistant to the Exarch
an Awakened cellkeeper
an Awakened spiritualist
Drovbaaz the Restrainer
Exarch Duraniz Zealos
Exarch Urilz Vaar
Overseer of Recovery
Portal Guard Graliz
Scorchprow the Builder
Slasher of Souls
Soulrender Xirloz
Sslan'yiz the Animator
Talonlord Kayzon
Talonlord Steelrend
a Broken Shackle initiate
a chokidai handler
a cursed traitor
a risen froglok
a risen sentry
a Sathirian archon
a Sathirian centurion
a Sathirian gravelord
a Sathirian heretic
a Sathirian officer
a Sathirian patron
a Sathirian researcher
a Sathirian spiritist
a Sathirian student
a Sathirian vicar
Hierophant Prime Kulgarn
Shard of Fear
a fetid fiend
a glare lord
a singing scareling
a turmoil toad
a turmoil toad condemner
a turmoil toad knight
The Skeletal Destructor
Shard of Hate
a patron of hate
a scorn fiend
a vexed abhorrence
Shard of Love: Seeding Corruption
a joyful wairy-fitch
Silent City: The Delving Dead
a phantasmal excavator
Slaver's Isle
a dervish slaver
Starcrest Commune: Shattered Sanctum
a ghastly specter
Tenebrous Tangle
a Scaleborn ambusher
a Scaleborn breed observer
a Scaleborn breeder
a skywatch reaver honorguard
a Strifewing raptor
a Vornerus intruder
a Vornerus manaweaver
a Vornerus spellspinner
Oculus Drone
The Skywatcher
The Acadechism
a Crushbone enforcer
a Crushbone grave lord
a Crushbone invoker
a Crushbone marauder
a D'Vinnian assassin
a D'Vinnian manipulator
a D'Vinnian theurgist
a Dreadguard death knight
Bolgorak the Scourge
Emperor D'Vinn
Shadow of D'Vinn
The Barren Sky
a Blacktalon adherent
a Blacktalon champion
a Blacktalon conscript
a Blacktalon curate
a Blacktalon defender
a Blacktalon enchanter
a Blacktalon enforcer
a Blacktalon flanker
a Blacktalon grunt
a Blacktalon guard
a Blacktalon harbinger
a Blacktalon laborer
a Blacktalon observer
a Blacktalon scout
a Blacktalon sentry
a Blacktalon skyknight
a Blacktalon soldier
a Blacktalon trainee
a Blacktalon veteran
a Blacktalon vindicator
a Blacktalon visionary
a Blacktalon wing clipper
a Bloodscale breeder
a Bloodscale diabolist
a Bloodscale doomslayer
a Bloodscale eradicator
a Bloodscale handler
a Bloodscale shadowscout
a Bloodscale zealot
a dryeye vehemence
a Quellithulian sentry
a Strifewing adherent
a Strifewing agitator
a Strifewing ambusher
a Strifewing battler
a Strifewing brute
a Strifewing convert
a Strifewing disciple
a Strifewing fanatic
a Strifewing heretic
a Strifewing hunter
a Strifewing marauder
a Strifewing plunderer
a Strifewing poacher
a Strifewing prowler
a Strifewing ransacker
a Strifewing ravager
a Strifewing renegade
a Strifewing saboteur
a Strifewing shaman
a Strifewing stalker
a vultak prisoner
a Whisperwind mystic
a wing clipper apprentice
Drakemaster Rommtok
Instructor Ripclaw
Konarr the Despoiler
The Besieged Tower
a ghastly specter
The Blackburrow Tunnels
a Blackburrow tunneler
The Blackscale Sepulcher
a Blackscale aegis
a Blackscale bonetalker
a Blackscale darkflame
a Blackscale darkrain
a Blackscale dreadknight
a Blackscale Firebrand
a Blackscale Guardian
a Blackscale Plague Bearer
a Blackscale Razorwing
a Blackscale shadowmind
a Blackscale shadowpriest
a Blackscale shadowspeaker
a Blackscale stalker
a Steward of the Seal
Oranti the Rizen
The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation
a Bloodskull grunt
a Bloodskull mage
a Bloodskull mauler
Chief Surveyor Remolus
The Blue Sunrise
Captain Hookwind
The Bonemire
a Blackscale guardian
a Blackscale precursor
a Blackscale terror
a Doomwing agent
a Doomwing ambusher
a Doomwing dracomagus
a Doomwing excavator
a Doomwing marauder
a Doomwing warrior
a Humator ambusher
a Humator hiveward
a Humator stalker
a Quellithulian occultist
a Quellithulian theurgist
a Vornerus defender
a Vornerus hivesister
a Vornerus hiveward
a Vornerus prowler
a Vornerus screamer
a Vornerus stalker
Akharu the Remembrancer
Bashir the Dracologist
The Hierodule
The Vornerus Tyrant
The Cave of Knowledge
a disciple dissident
The Chamber of the Truthbringer
a paladin of valor
The City of Freeport
a cowled figure
a distracted Militia guard
a seafaring raider
a seafaring trader
Ulthus Greygore
The Clockwork Menace Factory
a clockwork escort
a clockwork sentry
Clockwork Armorsmith
The Commonlands
a Dervish cutthroat
a Dervish ruffian
a phantasm of Odox
a seafaring swashbuckler
a shadowy stag
The Court of Al'Afaz
a green gardener
mystic puppet
prophet of truth
The Black Queen
The Cove of Decay: A Heroic Confrontation
a ghost shipmate
a rotting crewman
a spectral sailor
The Crypt of Agony
a tormented bok
a tormented dar
a tormented jin
a tormented kor
a tormented krup
a tormented reet
an agitated corpse
an agitated protector
Hierophant Prime Grekal
Lord Vizaroth
The Deadpools
a decaying bonewalker
The Deep Forge
a Deep Forge footman
a Deep Forge toiler
a Netherflame enforcer
a Spurned neophyte
Cruhm the Overseer
The Doomsmith
The Den of the Devourer
a Ravasect hatchling
a Ravasect honorguard
a Vornerous bloodscythe
a Vornerous bonescythe
a Vornerous defender
a Vornerous drone
a Vornerous guard
a Vornerous high guard
a Vornerous hive guardian
a Vornerous honorguard
a Vornerous loyalist
a Vornerous mystic
a Vornerous spellscythe
a Vornerous spiritscythe
Queen's Guard
The Devourer
The Emerald Halls
a bloom custodian
a Hedon bloomseeker
a Hedon dragoon
a hidden keeper
a thifling focuser
Prince Thirneg
The Estate of Unrest
a billy doll
a cucuy
an enraged cook
an eternal servant
The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation
Sister Halyous
Sister Melfind
The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation
a hired guard
The Forest Ruins
The Forsaken City
a contemplating seeker
a crazed scholar
a dejected paladin
a dejected vicar
a disavowed shadowknight
a disciple of knowledge
a fallen paladin
a forsaken priest
a Gunthak plunderer
a maven of wisdom
a patient eater
a phantom inquirer
a pleading seeker
a plunder planner
a reflecting acolyte
a reminiscing officer
a restless sculptor
a shade mentor
a shade scholar
a spectral cook
a spellbender outcast
a spellscorched researcher
a tormented summoner
an expert sculptor
an uneasy Tanaanite
Bontis the Thoughtful
First Mate Bilgebelly
Mentor Zama
The Master Sculptor
The Vegetarian Troll
Tornuk the Warweary
Xoltis the Forgotten
The Fountain of Life
a minion of the Ewer
The Gates of Ahket Aken
a darkleague assassin
a vampiric acolyte
greater slime scavenger
Loremaster Viswin
Malkonis D'Morte
Ree Adjudicator
Ritual Mistress Cheroon
The Graveyard
a ravenous skeleton
The Halls of Fate
a Doomwing biopsist
a Doomwing destroyer
a Doomwing infiltrator
a Doomwing invoker
a Doomwing raider
a Doomwing Skarize berserker
a Doomwing Skarize centurion
a Doomwing soldier
a Doomwing transmutilator
a dragonmarked cenobite
a dragonmarked ritualist
a dragonmarked thaumaturge
Doom Guard Tammuz
Doom Guard Vimock
Ishtaran the Skarize
Jin'tiz the Cataloguer
The Laboratory of Lord Vyemm
a Doomsworn endbringer
a Doomsworn ruiner
a Doomwing blackcoat
a Doomwing forgewright
a Doomwing ravager
a Doomwing reaver
a Doomwing shackler
a Doomwing Skarize champion
a Doomwing thaumaturge
a dragonmarked excarnate
Doom Reaver Cheyak
Doomsworn Zatrakh
The Slavering Alzid
The Uncaged Alzid
The Lesser Faydark
a nightblood invader
a Nybright convict
Corporal L'Zat
The Library of Light
an alerted Sha'ir
The Lyceum of Abhorrence
a gasping fleshrender
a tireless fear-touched minion
a tireless fear-touched trainer
The Mystic Lake
a corrupted master
a direvine miscreant
a direvine scourge
a diseased deathbringer
a diseased tormentor
a fallen adventurer
a fallen explorer
a forgotten battlepriest
a forgotten defender
a forgotten scout
a forgotten soldier
a forgotten vanquisher
a forgotten watchman
a rotten aggressor
a rotten ravager
a slithering abomination
a tortured master
an illusionary gnawer
High Priestess Aryelnia
Pirate Greenwhisker
Pirate Prince Prawn
Shatterbone the Forsaken Warlord
The Black Death
The Sinister Sloth
Zeera the Thorned
The Nest of the Great Egg
a frantic Vultak searcher
a ransacking Vultak
a ransacking Vultak aggressor
a rummaging Vultak aggressor
a scouring Vultak
a searching Vultak
a Vultak arrogator
a Vultak guard
a Vultak highguard
a Vultak mystic
a Vultak patroller
a Vultak vanquisher
Aggressor Khranz
an invading Vultak
Councilor Zhardiz
Kettleleader Ghrizhaw
Taskmaster Rezhirz
The Obelisk of Blight
a champion of blight
a converted vessel
a punisher of blight
a ready servant
a shadowguard of blight
Interrogator Bruek
The Palace of Sabaron
a boundless darkstalker
The Pillars of Flame
Fat Piu, Father of the Day
Graeae the Astute
Master Ko
Siu Chun, Mother of the Night
The Poets Palace
a Creature of Beauty
a Creature of Terror
a grand palace guardian
a high palace guardian
a prized possession
The Poets Palace: Return
a grand palace guardian
a scriptorium assistant
The Qeynos Mage Tower
Augurer Vharlan
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a Sabertooth curate
The Silent City
a royal prowler
a royal stalker
Laith the Ravager
The Sprawl
a rioting brute
The Sundered Frontier
a lingering Paineel guard
a lingering Paineel spirit
a petrified cackler
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a Scaleborn soulclencher
The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation
a fanatical ranger
The Vaults of El'Arad
a Bloodscale elite guard
a Bloodscale informer
a Bloodscale overseer
a Bloodscale royal guard
a Bloodscale scout
a Bloodscale sentry
a Bloodscale vault sentry
a Quellithulian archivist
a Quellithulian elementalist
a Quellithulian elite guard
a Quellithulian portal mage
a Quellithulian researcher
a Quellithulian ritualist
a Quellithulian sentry
The Arcane Librarian
The Messenger of El'Arad
The Wailing Caves
an Ebon Mask shadow master
Throne of New Tunaria
a Tunarian knight templar
a Tunarian master guardsman
a Tunarian palace guard
Treasury of Claw
a Blacktalon piercer
a Strifewing fledgeling
a Strifewing gazer
a Strifewing striker
Crags Blacktalon
Granddaddy Strifewing
Trials of the Awakened
a forsworn patroller
a forsworn sentinel
a pillar sentinel
a sacred guardian
a sentinel of the Trial
a warden of the Trial
an Awakened bishop
an Awakened guardian
an Awakened preserver
an Awakened protector
an Awakened sentinel
an Awakened slayer
an Awakened summoner
an Awakened trial servant
an Awakened vicar
The Sentinel of Endurance
Workshop of the Dark Bargainers
an enfeebled bloodmagus
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Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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