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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Advanced Adornments Volume 2
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
a decrepit crypt
Lucas Steelbone
a Caltorsis knight
a Caltorsis magi
a Cavemaw grub hunter
a Cavemaw tamer
a Cavemaw tunneler
a dankfur gnoll
a Darkpaw brigand
a Darkpaw brute
a Darkpaw rune caster
a Darkpaw soldier
a Darkpaw youth
a decaying skeleton
a highwayman
a Necrosis auger
a Necrosis conscript
a Necrosis shrew
a restless Caltorsite
a Sabertooth battler
a Sabertooth camp guard
a Sabertooth mongrel
a Sabertooth neophyte
a Sabertooth Pack Lord
a Sabertooth rune caster
a Sabertooth runt
a sand lurker
a timberclaw gnoll
a traitorous farmer
an overland miner
an overland woodcutter
a burly Sabertooth
a Sabertooth angler
a Sabertooth brewery guard
a Sabertooth brewmaster
a Sabertooth Champion
a Sabertooth chanter
a Sabertooth commander
a Sabertooth diviner
a Sabertooth elite guard
a Sabertooth excavator
a Sabertooth Firebrand
a Sabertooth guard
a Sabertooth lookout
a Sabertooth miner
a Sabertooth oracle
a Sabertooth pup
a Sabertooth sentry
a Sabertooth tactician
a scrawny Sabertooth
a stalwart Sabertooth
a stockpile protector
a training spearfisher
Fishfang the Angler
Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site
a Bloodskull grunt
a Bloodskull peon
a Bloodskull scavenger
a Bloodskull spiritcaller
a troglodyte chosen
The Troglodyte Champion
Bloodskull Valley: The Training Grounds
a Bloodskull Lieutenant
a Bloodskull Mahout youth
a Bloodskull Mahut mangler
a Bloodskull sentinel
Cave of Illboding Dark: The Source
a Ry'Gorr spiritcaster
a shattered Ry'Gorr
Darklight Wood
a Briarstone bloodsipper
a Briarstone initiate
a Briarstone slayer
a ghoulish Nerian
a Sableflame adherent
a Sableflame outrider
a Sableflame scryer
a Sableflame watcher
a Sullian deacon
a Sullian protector
a T'Rethir corpsecaller
a T'Rethir mesmerist
a T'Rethir poet
a T'Rethir priest
a T'Rethir sapper
a T'Rethir thinblood
a Thexian reaver
enraged dwarven Briarstone
Ephram Firebrand
Valessha T'Vir
Fallen Gate
a Thexian dragoon
a Thexian excavator
a Thexian historian
a Thexian interrogator
a tormented assassin
Freeport Militia House
a Militia initiate
Frostfang Sea
a portal jumped Ry'Gorr raider
a reanimated Ry'Gorr
a risen Ry'Gorr
a Ry'Gorr bushwhacker
a Ry'Gorr grenadier
a Ry'Gorr infiltrator
a Ry'Gorr invader
a Ry'Gorr marauder
a Ry'Gorr necromancer
a Ry'Gorr patroller
a Ry'Gorr portal caster
a Ry'Gorr raider
a Ry'Gorr shock trooper
a Ry'Gorr tunneler
a Ry'Gorr war shaman
The Risen Ry'Gorr Conqueror
Greater Faydark
a Crushbone destroyer
a Crushbone footman
a Crushbone guard
a Crushbone sparrer
a Crushbone spy
a Crushbone trainer
a Crushbone watchman
a Fayfly
a kobold savage
a kobold scamp
a scorched skeletal apprentice
a strongbox guardian
an angered Fayfly
Reanimated Nexus Scion
Invasion of the Vale
a Black Magi elder
a Black Magi initiate
a Black Magi visionary
a Giantslayer leasher
a giantslayer thug
Oakmyst Forest
Lieutenant Gnar'Sok
Rescue the Diplomat
a Militia guardsmen
a defiled keeper
a defiled knight
a defiled priest
a defiled sentry
a defiled squire
a rot zombie
a scorched skeleton
a scrounging zombie
a tunneling zombie
a wandering ghoul
a zombie knight
The Buccaneer's Rest
a Broken Skull buccaneer
a Thexian brine contaminator
The Caves
a Dustpaw armorer
a Dustpaw guard
a Dustpaw lookout
a Mudpaw lookout
a Rockpaw guard
a Rockpaw scout
Dustcaller Sleg
The Commonlands
a Blackshield assassin
a Bloodskull lumberjack
a Bloodskull mason
a Bloodskull priest
a Bloodskull scout
a Bloodskull soldier
a Bloodskull tamer
a Bloodskull warrior
a brittle skeleton
a Dervish cutthroat
a Dervish heretic
a Dervish zealot
a dregs sneak
a fallen crusader
a fallen guardian
a kerran rogue
a lost soul
a Militia guard
a pirate of Gunthak
a putrid cadaver
a rotting cadaver
a Shin`Ree avenger
a Thexian excavator
a twitching cadaver
an orc runner
Vurog Ma'gar
The Dismal Den
a Dismal inquisitor
The Eternal Gorge
a deathbone
The Firemyst Gully
a charred diviner
a charred minion
a charred sentry
a scathe bishop
a scathe harbinger
a scathe knight
The Forest Ruins
a Blackfurl deckhand
a Blackfurl swabbie
Dig Supervisor T'narl
The Graveyard
a fiendish ghoul
The Peat Bog
a faerie abbot
a faerie guardian
The Ruins
a Brokentusk guard
a Brokentusk prophet
a Brokentusk shaman
a Lonetusk sentry
a Lonetusk shaman
a Lonetusk warrior
a seasoned defender
Slayn Brokentusk
The Serpent Sewer
a crazed channel mender
The Shattered Vale
a Sabertooth champion
Oracle Yagwai
the Thexian Meeting
a Thexian guard
The Thundering Steppes
an undead farmer
The Wailing Caves
a concubine
a dervish cutthroat
a loyal attendant
a raid leader
a raid schemer
a raider of Ree
a Ree armorer
a Ree channeler
a Ree defender
a Ree jailer
a Ree protector
a Ree recruit
a Ree steelworker
a Ree underguard
a scout of Ree
a sentry of Ree
a Shin'Ree spirit
a Shin`Ree aggressor
a Shin`Ree apprentice
a Shin`Ree avenger
a Shin`Ree pawn
a Shin`Ree spiritist
a spectral shriller
a storeroom laborer
a strongbox deceiver
Mess Sergeant Slogg
Raid Chief Kregahn
The Willow Wood: Besieged Hamlet
a Rockpaw destroyer
Thexian Hideaway
a Thexian guard
Timorous Deep
a Blackshield assassin
a Blackshield brute
a Blackshield pirate
a Haoaeran archivist
a Haoaeran fisher
a Haoaeran keeneye
a Haoaeran proven
a Haoaeran tapper
a mountain throm
a rotting sathirian guard
an alluring shorecaller
an enthralling shorecaller
Shadow Lord Raellok
Vermin's Snye
a Bloodsaber adept
a Bloodsaber proficient
a crumbling tomb guard
a crumbling tomb sentry
a festering zombie
a ravenous cube
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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