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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
blessed shard
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
a Blades guard
a Blades trainee
a Coin bodyguard
a Coin guard
Scornfeather Roost
a Scornfeather ravager
a Scornfeather skychaser
The Clefts of Rujark
a Steelslave vanquisher
a Steelslave watcher
The Court of Truth: Riddle of the Sphinx
a goblin kadaren escapee
The Hidden Cache
a dervish bandit
a dervish footpad
The Living Tombs
an Anaz Mal advocate
The Pillars of Flame
a desert lunatic
a lesser djinn
a Sandfury brute
a Sandfury elder
a Sandfury visionary
a Sandscrawler excavator
a Sandscrawler marauder
a Sandscrawler raider
a Sandscrawler shaman
a Sandscrawler shamaner
a Sandscrawler soldier
a Sandscrawler sorcerer
a Steelcrown harasser
a Windsister jaggedfeather
a Windsister razorfeather
The Sanctorium
The Shimmering Citadel
a silent bones dirge
a wandering Uruvan
an Uruvan djinn
The Caretaker
The Sinking Sands
a Sandscrawler magus
an Alliz Raef Ew champion
an Alliz Raef Ew defender
an Alliz Raef Ew prophet
an Alliz Raef Ew scout
an Anaz Mal diviner
an Anaz Mal mauler
an Anaz Mal scrapper
The Vault of Dust
a Dustwatch defender
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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