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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
crystal bottle of perfume
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Butcherblock Mountains
a Kragploom raptor
a Krulkiel basher
a Krulkiel carver
a Krulkiel grunt
a Mortartoe miner
a Yarpsnarl sacrificer
a Yarpsnarl sapper
Cleansing of the Cove
an evol ew handler
Darklight Wood
Lieutenant D'Vythival
Deathfist Citadel
a Deathfist priest
a Deathfist soothsayer
a Deathfist warrior
Enchanted Lands
a Crazed Miner
a Darkflight hag
a Darkflight savage
a defiled miner
a defiled villager
a lamia carver
a lamia charmer
a lamia deathsinger
a Mistcaller mischiefmaker
a nightblood cleaver
a Runnyeye brawler
a Runnyeye mercenary
a Seamist fairy
a Seamist sylph
a very mischievous maiden
a Frothbark lunatic
a Grundin beast tamer
a Grungetalon chipper
a Grungetalon gemcutter
a Grungetalon gemmaster
a Grungetalon geoanimator
a Grungetalon miner
a Grungetalon pickmaster
a Grungetalon reviver
a Kragbak guardian
a Kragbak howler
a Kragbak spectator
a living chest
a Ratillik high priest
a Serilian believer
a Terrok bulwark
a Terrok gate enforcer
a Terrok gate guard
a Terrok spectator
a Terrok watchman
Nektropos Castle
a lost traveler
a Thexian guard
an attendant of Everling
an eidolon watchdog
Nektulos Forest
a decaying flesh being
a Gul'Thex mystic
a Gul'Thex patrolman
a Gul'Thex sentry
Qeynos Province District
a Rockpaw gnoll
a corrupted bandit
a corrupted brigand
a lamia soulsiren
a Gorehorn hulk
a Gorehorn pitmaster
a Runnyeye apprentice
a Runnyeye assassin
a Runnyeye brawler
a Runnyeye clubber
a Runnyeye diviner
a Runnyeye footsoldier
a Runnyeye foreman
a Runnyeye healer
a Runnyeye lackey
a Runnyeye mender
a Runnyeye miner
a Runnyeye smith
a Runnyeye sorcerer
a Runnyeye trickster
an oculus defiler
an oculus healer
an oculus illusionist
an oculus wizard
Steamfont Mountains
a Grikbar battler
a Grikbar drudge
a Grikbar scamp
a Grikbar warrior
a Mazkeen warrior
a Mazkeen witch doctor
The Chamber of Rulgax
an enspelled goblin
The Crypt of T'haen
a razorwing fairy
The D'Vinnian Throne
a Crushbone centurion
a Crushbone gladiator
a D'Vinnian dragoon
The Feerrott
a fetid Rallosian allegiant
a Modinite fugitive
an Evol conscript
an Evol Ew disciple
an Evol Ew mender
an Evol Ew Thulian neophyte
an Evol Ew underhand
an Evol Ew warder
The Overlord's Throne Room
Assistant Curator Skint
The Ruins of Varsoon
a brute caretaker
a brute controller
a glimmer goblin
a mindless cook
a replacement Sumyd apprentice
a replacement Ymeresh apprentice
a servant of Varsoon
an enraged Ci`Re apprentice
The Tombs of Night
a Bloodsworn ravager
a mist grinnin brute
a mist grinnin theurgist
The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers
a mist grinnin cultivator
a mist grinnin netslinger
a mist grinnin ruffian
a mist grinnin savage
The Trembling Lagoon
Alliz Tae priest
Alliz Tae shaman
Zek, the Orcish Wastes
a Blackhook raider
a brittle tender
a Deathfist protector
a Sullon centurion
a Sullon chopper
a Sullon defender
a Sullon lumberjack
a Sullon outlaw
a Tallon catapult operator
a Tallon patrolman
a Tallon spotter
a Vallon centurion
a Vallon grunt
a Vallon lugger
a Vallon miner
a Vallon sentry
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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